SCREEN HER SAVE HER educates women on breast cancer and the importance of early detection through screening. In partnership with health practitioners in the Screen Her Save Her health practitioners network, Screen Her Save Her provides access to gold-standard breast cancer screening (mammogram and breast ultrasound) to women in South Africa who cannot afford such services or where such services are not provided.
Who We Are
A personal journey with breast cancer identified a common need in patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer: they often feel overwhelmed by the treatment journey ahead. The impact of this life-changing event is often overlooked, and the holistic support for the patient neglected. Screen Her Save Her sets out to provide this support through a network of ambassadors, volunteers, and partnerships providing the required recourses and time. We also recognise the importance of early detection through screening and aim to provide such access across South Africa.
What We Do
We educate women about breast cancer, the importance of breast self-examination, and annual screenings.
We provide access to the gold standard in screening ( a mammogram and breast ultrasound) in a world-class facility to women in South Africa who cannot afford such services.
We support patients who have been diagnosed with breast cancer throughout their treatment journeys.